30-Day Minimalism Challenge

minimalismchallenge4 I stumbled across a new blog this weekend,  Into Mind, a beautiful and simply designed blog about personal style, minimalism and the perfect wardrobe, and it was exactly what I had been looking for. I love when that happens, especially when it's not incredibly clear what exactly it is that you're looking for until you find it. The universe works in mysterious ways!

It's the season of making resolutions, goals and promises, of new beginnings and fresh starts, and so whether we choose to make lists of our own or not, it's definitely on our minds. It's not necessarily a new year's resolution for me, but I've been making a very conscious effort to find a little more balance in my life and try to disconnect and simplify whenever possible. In a world where we are always connected and constantly over-stimulated by the amount of information at our fingertips, it can be way too easy to get caught up in that and forget about real world connections, or even simply setting aside time to be by yourself.

Though I wouldn't consider myself a minimalist per se, as I read through past posts on Into Mind, this minimalistic approach to life and the idea of leading a slower, simpler really resonated with me. It became clear that there were a lot of elements of this lifestyle that could add value to my own. From a beginner's guide to minimalism, to 10 basic principles for building the perfect wardrobe, to a guide to setting and achieving goals, I found myself bookmarking posts and making my own notes, inspired by this new approach to life.

And so with all that in mind, I've decided to participate in the 30-Day Minimalism Challenge, which includes "30 one-day assignments to help you dip your toes into minimalist living, discover lots of new things about yourself and get a big head start". Sounds about right to me. I've printed off the list and it's hung in the studio, and my intention is to do one assignment each day, in no particular order, but being sure to not skip a day. Who's with me?
