8 Beauty Resolutions

beautyresolutionfeature Sometimes the simplest changes in our routines can make a lot of difference, and we've decided it's to shake up our beauty routines for the new year. Stepping outside of our comfort zones, finding a signature look, perfecting simple techniques, it really doesn't take much, and we've put together a list of 8 beauty resolutions for 2015.


1 // Perfect the cat eye. A beauty staple in our eyes, there's nothing like a simple cat eye to make you look put together and give you that hint 60s glam that we love so much. If you're looking for tips, the Ban.do girls have a column with makeup artist Kelly Shew that gives away a few secrets for this coveted look.


2 // Wear lipstick more often. It's no secret we love our bright pink lipstick, often appearing as part of our signature beauty look in Bicyclette shoots. The perfect way to finish off a look and add a pop of colour, we'd like to make it part of our daily routine, experimenting with different colours and finishes.


3 // Learn to braid. Long or short, up or down, the braid has always been one hairstyle we can't get enough of, and we're thinking it's time to re-teach ourselves. Ideal for bad hair days and achieving that perfectly tousled look, this is definitely one skill we'd like to have in our back pocket.


4 // Experiment with nail art. It's rare our nails are bare, but we're looking to step up our nail game and get a little more creative with simple nail art. We love the idea of simple geometric patterns and accents, or opt for something a little more flashy, like our diamond nail art.


5 // Don't be afraid to go a little crazy. One of the things we love about makeup is the ability to play around and have a little fun. Though our beauty routine tends to be on the more simple side, we're promising to step outside of our comfort zone sometimes and try something we normally wouldn't, like bold sparkle under the eye, or a metallic liner for a night out.


6 // Look to Brigitte Bardot. Always a favourite beauty icon of ours, Brigitte Bardot is the original beauty muse with her big hair, perfectly flicked cat eye and 60s sex kitten appeal, so it's no surprise we want to mimic her signature style. Her half up, slightly teased and a little undone signature hairstyle has always been one of our go-to, and definitely a style we'd love to master.


7 // Think pink. Or any colour for that matter. Back in the summer we showed you how to add pink highlights to your hair, and with so many great DIY options, there's no reason why we shouldn't play around with colour more often. Try adding a subtle hint of colour on the underlayer of your hair, or focus on just the tips.


8 // Embrace a bold brow. We've always loved a bold brow a la Cara Delevigne, which helps to frame your face and is the perfect complement to any beauty look. The Beauty Department has an arsenal of information on how to achieve the brow look you want, so we'd recommend starting there if this is new to you.