All in the Details

Though I've developed a newfound appreciation for wardrobe basics (hello, perfect white tees and high waisted denim), I still always find myself drawn to statement pieces. Blame it on my boutique days and the constant hunt for those window-worthy pieces, but give me an interesting styling detail or an eye-catching colour any day.

Personal style has so much power. It's how we stand out, how we communicate aspects of who we are and what we stand for, and it's often those slightly weird and wonderful pieces that inspire the best outfits, the ones that truly feel like us. 

In so many ways, my position on personal style is aligned with my thoughts on branding, which is probably how I found myself doing what I do now after years in the fashion industry. 

If we don't take risks now and again, if we don't pay attention to what we love and embrace the style quirks that make someone look twice and communicate the story we're trying to tell, how can we expect to stand out? 

So yes, I'm aware that my sweater has wings and is a little on the odd side. To that I say — embrace the odd! That's where the magic happens.

Topshop Sweater // Madewell Grey Denim // ASOS Clutch // Something Else Tee

Photos // Jason Matos