DIY Beach Spray for Hair


There's something special about beach hair, the way it feels after a day in the ocean letting the sea salt and sun work their magic, and the lingering scent of coconut sunscreen. Loose, mermaid-worthy waves always feel like the perfect carefree summer 'do, so we set out to create our own version of a sea salt spray to get that coveted beachy hair at home. We played around with a few combinations and settled on the recipe below, which will give you that perfect "I just came from the beach" look, complete with that nostalgic smell of coconuts and sea salt.


We mixed all of our ingredients in a jar and then transferred it to a little spray bottle since the only one we had was super tiny. Spray your DIY beach spray on damp or dry hair and scrunch the hair up towards your head to create waves. It's also perfect for spraying on wavy, second-day hair after it's been loosely curled and brushed out to give it a little more texture and and achieve that perfectly imperfect look. 
