Winter Pastels

Every now and then, I go through a phase where I forget how to dress myself. I seem to lose my sense of personal style and spend way more time than necessary staring at my closet in angst, unsure of how to put together an outfit.

I partially blame the fact that I work from home most days, and when there are no outside meetings or errands on my agenda, it can be hard to see the value or necessity in getting properly dressed.

And then there's the fact that once the temperatures drop and getting dressed becomes more and more about functionality, it also has a tendency to take some of the fun out of it.

But I refuse to give up, and so I've been on a mission to rediscover my own personal style, realizing that so often it's about the little details. It's so easy to fall into the trap of feeling as though you need something new to put together that perfect outfit, but as I continue to pare down my closet to only pieces I love (I've probably let go of over half my wardrobe at this point), it does really get you thinking about what matters most to you when it comes to style. I also find - and this is probably an extension of the 30 day spending challenge I did back in the spring - that it encourages you to really think before making a new purchase, prioritizing what you spend your money on.


Sweaters are an obvious go-to at this time of year, and I've found myself turning to them as a bit of a uniform, pairing them with black denim, and then focusing on the details to add that touch of personality that's important to me in any outfit. Collared shirts are the perfect layering staple, and I usually look for styles that either have a fun print on them or a bit of embellishment, perfect for peeking out at the neckline.

Another styling secret I've found myself turning to a lot recently is using a piece of pretty ribbon as an accessory, tying a loose bow around the neck and under the collar. It's an inexpensive way to accessorize your favourite blouse, and also a perfect opportunity to play with texture. I usually opt for either a piece of delicate silk or velvet.


Quarterly Peach Sweater // Zara Pink Coat // Bicyclette Embellished Blouse // ASOS Lille Ballet Flats

Photos: Jason Matos