Winter White

When it comes to style, I believe that rules are made to be broken, and the old "no white after Labour Day" mentality is one such example. Whereas summer is all about the little white dress and that perfect tissue thin white tee, when those first winter snowflakes start to fall and the temperature drops, I find myself coveting ivory knits in order to channel my inner ice queen and fully embrace the season.


It's dangerous territory to fall into, but I often dream up specific items of clothing that I "need" for a certain outfit, and this season, it was all about the little white sweater for me. It all started when I was planning the Disco Diamond shoot. I had come across the most magical, slightly iridescent white fabric, and reached out to Breeyn about potential making a skirt out of it, envisioning it pairing perfectly with the pearl bustier, and really bringing the vision to life. A few days later, I had my dream skirt.

Of course once the shoot was over I couldn't just let the beautiful skirt sit forgotten in the studio. I love that it has a winter wonderland feel, shimmering ever so subtly when the light hits is, just like freshly fallen snow. But after perusing my own closet, I just didn't quite have the right piece to pair with it, envisioning an all white ensemble with a sweater I didn't yet own, and firmly believing that was the only way to style it. So the hunt for the dream sweater began.

I don't really shop much these days and therefore wasn't having much luck, until I found myself at Pacific Mall one day, casually perusing for inexpensive beauty products, rose flavoured candies and other treasures. (Side note, if you've never been to Pacific Mall, I would highly recommend it as an afternoon outing. It's the perfect place to treasure hunt.) 

And there it was on the sale rack of a tiny boutique, marked down and everything. Slightly cropped, delicately knit and perfectly fluffy. The dream sweater.

So that, my friends, is the story of how this winter white outfit came to be. Proof that sometimes dreams do come true, and dream sweaters do in fact exist.


Skirt: Custom, Breeyn McCarney // Sweater: Pacific Mall // Vintage Brooch: Armed Jewelry // Lipstick Pin: Big Bud Press

Photos: Jason Matos