Bicyclette X Barreworks Partnership

barreworksXbicyclette_07To celebrate the start of June (hello, summer!) and the gorgeous weather we've welcomed along with it, we have an exciting partnership to announce, with local boutique fitness studio, Barreworks.

The Barreworks workouts blend fitness training, core conditioning, yoga and pilates into one dynamic class, set to an upbeat playlist and promising to give you that lean dancer's body. Though unfortunately there are no tutus involved, each class uses the ballet barre, as well as resistance bands and weighted balls, which will still satisfy our childhood fantasies of ballerinas and choreographed dance routines. A few of us have been attending classes at the Barreworks studio on a regular basis since January, and I can honestly say we're hooked, and it's become an essential part of our day-to-day routine. 


So now for the details of our partnership. Starting today, June 1st, show your Barreworks key tag to receive 15% off all purchases over $50 (before tax) in-store at Bicyclette. In return, all purchases of $100 or more will get you a FREE Barreworks class in return. A pretty sweet deal, if you ask us! See you at the barre?
