DIY Lace Crown

I'll admit it - Halloween doesn't hold quite the charm for me that it used to. Similarly to New Years Eve, I tend to get more excited about the prospect of dressing up and dreaming up new projects and shoots for the holiday than I do about actually going out and celebrating. But that being said, I've often found myself with a need for an on-the-fly costume at the last minute, so I'm a firm believer in always having a few options on hand, which is where this idea for a DIY lace crown came from.

One of my favourite last minute Halloween costume ideas a few years ago was the paper bag princess, which yes, you definitely need a crown for, but there are lots of potential crown accessorizing opportunities, so I'll leave that up to you. Because let's be honest, you never know when you might need a sparkly crown, so it's always a good thing to have on hand.

I opted to add a little embellishment for extra sparkle, but you could also leave it with just the lace. Another option is to paint the crown after you've applied the applied the stiffening mixture, using either acrylic paint and a brush, or spray paint.

Materials // 

Mod Podge
Paint brush
E6000 glue
Tiny gems/pearls
ax paper

Instructions // 

1 // Cut your lace to size by measuring it around your head. Make sure the ends are matched up.

2 // In a bowl, mix four parts Mod Podge with one part water. Place your lace onto the parchment paper and start gently brushing on your glue mixture. Use the bristles of the brush to dab at the lace and remove the glue from the open spots of the lace as best you can. Once one side is covered, move your lace to a clean section of parchment paper to dry.

3 // Repeat this for at least four layers, letting the lace dry between each one and switching sides every time.

4 // To add your embellishment, simply dab small amounts of the E6000 glue onto the backs of the gems (I actually used one of prongs from a plastic fork), and place wherever you desire on your crown.

5 // To assemble your crown, place a line of glue along one edge of the lace and match up the other side, holding together until the glue is dry.
