Fiesta Rice Bowls

IMG_1545 Here at Studio B we're always cooking up photo shoots, events and new projects, but every once and awhile we cook up something really tasty too! The past few weeks have been crazy busy between getting everything ready for our social media workshop and planning our big LA trip, but a girl's gotta eat right? So last Thursday (our creative day in the studio) we decided to make one of my favourite lunches while we were working together, and we ended up taking some photos and turning it into a blog post to share with you!

I'm pretty big on rice bowls of all sorts, but the fiesta rice bowl is by far my favourite go-to. Colourful and hearty, think of it as a burrito bowl, but with a few unexpected additions. I love to make this recipe for lunch when I'm working at home, but it's also great for dinner with some chipotle veggie sausages, or for breakfast with a fried egg on top! It's simple, quick, and ever so delicious.

Why not make your next meal a bit of a party?


Ingredients //

*Note: we did not provide measurements because this recipe is meant to be totally freestyle! Just got for it!

Brown rice Chili powder Smoked paprika Salt and pepper Lime juice Lettuce Tomato Refried beans Green pepper Salsa (we like Neal Brothers Corn salsa best) Mango Goat cheese


Directions //

Cook the rice and add salt, pepper, chilli powder, lime juice and smoked paprika to taste (we recommend a lot of chilli powder.) You can also add some cayenne for a bit of a kick!

Heat up your refried beans on the stove, and while you wait chop the lettuce, tomato, green pepper and mango.

Start building your bowl with rice at the bottom, then beans, then veggies. Top it off with salsa and goat cheese, and a slice of lime if you're feeling fancy!
