Is It Spring Yet?

winteroutfit2 I'm pretty tired of complaining about winter, but all I've been able to think about recently is how much I want to not have the weather dictate what I wear (read: lots of layers). These days, instead of enjoying the process of getting dressed in the morning, I find myself dreaming up outfits with all of the pieces in my closet that I absolutely can't wear right now, like this little floral sock and sparkly shoe combo. And bare legs. Don't even get me started on how badly I want to be able to show a little skin, even if it just means some ankle action with denim and ballet flats.

My intention has been to incorporate more outfit posts into the "new" Bicyclette, but with the deep freeze and grey skies of winter, the conditions haven't exactly been ideal. So for my most recent attempt, I stayed indoors and captured a pretty typical weekend look, with cozy layers and a few favourite accessories.

The printed slip dress I layered under the turtleneck sweater is a Kate Moss x Topshop piece that I've had for years. It was part of the very first collaboration collection they did, and I remember being so excited that an NYC visit coincided with the launch of the collection. This was long before Topshop had come to Canada, and so the brand held an extra layer of exclusivity for us deprived Canadian shoppers, and this piece continues to be a favourite in my closet, years later.

winteroutfit6winteroutfit4winteroutfit7 winteroutfit5winteroutfit3winteroutfit8Aritzia Sweater // Kate Moss x Topshop Dress //  Luv AJ x Stone Cold Fox Belt // Free People Hat

Photos: Jason Matos