Monday Muse // Sophia Amoruso

This Monday we're inspired by the go-getter, style-savvy entrepreneur and owner of, Sophia Amoruso. Sophia, a previous self-proclaimed dumpster diver, showed us that there is no direct route to success as she grew her vintage eBay store into a multi-million dollar company. Sophia proves that hard work, passion and a great flare for fashion will conquer all.

Known for her rad style and her girl boss attitude, were not surprised Amoruso opted for a blunt Pulp Fiction-inspired bob. Her eye for detail and creative direction has us all vigorously jotting down notes on our wish list. We cant help but be mesmerized by her ambition, hard work and great style. She's telling all her secrets in her new tell all, self help book, #GIRLBOSS and we can't wait to read it.

With her chic style and compelling attitude, we could definitely see Amoruso adding the Wildfox Hula Hooper Retro Raglan, the Ganni Aurora Rose Skirt and the Indian Summer Kimono into her closet. This Monday take inspiration from Sophia Amoruso and take charge of your style by showing your inner #GIRLBOSS!






