When I came across the first image in the Motivation Poster Series Project on Pinterest, I initially pinned it because I like the juxtaposition between the bold type, bright colours and illustrated floral design that weaves between the letters, feeling like it had certain elements that I could draw inspiration from when designing for Bicyclette.
It's no secret that we love Pinterest, using it to organize inspiration for upcoming shoots, styling ideas, and for when you just need a dose of prettiness. We're currently working hard to redesign the online shop and blog and create a better online experience for Bicyclette as well as one that is consistent with the in-store experience, and because of that, we've been collecting lots of graphic inspiration as well. After noticing that there were multiple designs and more of a motivational message to the series, I did a little clicking and ended up at the original source, discovering that they're designed by Zachary Gibson, and there's a story that goes along with them. The posters come in a series of three - 'Can't Stop', 'Won't Stop', 'Don't Stop' - with each boasting a bright, almost primary colour palette and intricately illustrated roses that are different on each print. Instead of simply selling the posters (you can purchase them on Society6), Zachary will send out free copies to anyone, only requesting that you send him back a picture of where you've displayed them. It doesn't matter where you decide to hang them, his "goal is to initiate and encourage people to continue and persevere".
To say I was inspired by this would be an understatement. Beyond the beautiful design, beyond the motivational message, I was attracted to the idea of sharing this with others without putting a price on it, of telling a story and building a support system in such a unique way.
[images via zachary gibson]
- edited by Paige -