Monday Muse // Petra Collins


Petra Collins has marched into our hearts today, receiving Monday Muse status for her uncontainable and powerful free spirit. This Toronto based photographer has taken the world by storm with her personal and occupational images. Her talent has gotten her partnerships with big names including Urban Outfitters, American Apparel and Flare Magazine.

As a vivacious rebel, Petra uses her artwork to protest the societal censorship of the female body. Her fiery nature and wild spirit has inspired us to wear what we want, live as we like and not to be pressured to follow the 'norm'. Petra reminds us to embrace our personal style and love our body. Collins style reminds us of the free spirited 70's and inspires us to accept and cherish our natural style.

If we had a chance to sneak a peek of her closet we think we'd see the Wildfox Shell Bra Lost Sweater and the Indian Summer Kimono. Take inspiration from Petra today and let the inner you shine through!





